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Local LP Blocks Runner ¤

Via this you can offer the reader of a page to run all or some LP blocks of a page locally on his computer.

Add this to your markdown page and an instruction regarding how to run LP blocks with a runner header argument will be presented to the user:

LP Source (shortform):

 `lp:python show=lprunner addsrc`


Run this locally

You can run the code on this page locally via:

pip install --user docutools # if not yet installed
mdrun ""

All blocks with the runner header parameter will then be executed locally, e.g.:

LP Source:

 ```bash lp runner addsrc
 echo "Hello World" 


$ echo "Hello World" 

$ echo "Hello World" 
Hello World

If the user now calls the documentation URL with the mdrun script he will see sth like this:

$ mdrun ""

(...) # local tmux window opens, showing the markdown source plus the blocks ready to run:

Via this you can offer the reader of a page to run all or some LP blocks of a page locally on his

Add this to your markdown page and an instruction regarding how to run LP blocks with a `runner`
header argument will be presented to the user:

All blocks with the `runner` header parameter will then be executed locally, e.g.:

Run echo "Hello World"
a:yes for all e:yes for all, then exit q:quit s:shell y:confirm
[a|e|h|q|s|Y(default)] ?

Means the user by default needs to confirm every block run.

This currently works for bash mode, with or without sessions and is intended to allow users, trusting you, complex installation automation without tedious copy paste processes.


The show('lprunner') statement causes the markdown source of the page to be copied over to site dir, as, so that it is available to be downloaded by a http client, contained within the mdrun script.


The user needs to have the docutools package installed, plus tmux, with minimum version 3.0.

Experimental Feature

A more minimal required runner package should be offered, after gathering some feedback, regarding value of such "read and run" documentation.

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