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show_src ¤

Copies delimitted stanzas within arbitrary files (usually source code) into your docs.

Also creates links to those files on the repo server.

Format within the source file: :docs:matchstring (no space after the colon)


  • delim: "matchstring" in the example above (without the ":docs:" prefix).
  • dir: Start directly, relative to repo root dir or absolute path
  • hide: Optional. True or String: will result in collapsed block

The plugin uses ripgrep (rg) to find matches.



We included this sentence and the header between match strings....

LP Source:

 ```python lp mode=show_src delim=this_example hide="This Example" addsrc dir=src/lcdoc/mkdocs/lp/plugs eval=always


This Example
### show_src

We included this sentence and the header between match strings....


For the shortform you may want to use the lang parameter, to get proper highlighting:

  `lp:show_src delim=this_example hide="This Example" dir=src/lcdoc/mkdocs/lp/plugs lang=python`
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