Some plugins, currently bash and python support sessions, via which you can transfer state between LP blocks.
See the specific plugins for technical details.
Here we only explain the differences.
The Multipurpose Shell Session¤
- Spawns a tmux process, sends commands in, read results out.
- Can be used not only for code but e.g. also to control REPLs:
Example Node Session¤
Typically this would be silent
$ node
Welcome to Node.js v16.14.2.
Type ".help" for more information.
```javascript lp new_session=nodejs_test addsrc="Starting nodejs" timeout=10 expect=> fmt=xt_flat
Now you have a node session and can do things - but first keep params at one place:
First interaction:
LP Source:
```javascript lp
answer = 42
> answer = 42
Second interaction:
LP Source:
```javascript lp
console.log('The answer to everything is:', answer)
> console.log('The answer to everything is:', answer)
The answer to everything is: [33m42[39m
- As you can see the coloring is from nodejs, not from the javascript html pretty print. We have javascript as language only for syntax highlighting within the editor.
- The LP sources are shown only due to the
parameter in our block headers.
The Python Session¤
While tmux sessions are run within a subprocess, python session state is resident within the mkdocs build process itself - no need to send and read strings via the tmux api here (mkdocs is a python process).