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Find-Pages ¤

Adds pages to your nav tree, even when not referenced in mkdocs.yml.

The adding is done by inspecting the location of the files within the docs tree.

Example: The Literate Programming plugin docs are added to nav via find-pages:

In this repos's mkdocs.yml we have

- lcd-lp
- lcd-find-pages:
        - features/lp/plugs/
  • lcd-lp plugin will, at config hook time, link all existing plugin docs to the docs tree
  • lcd-find-pages, with config above adds them to nav


  • find_pages can be also additionally supplied via an environ variable.
  • correct insertion requires a well defined h1 header - we will take all upper cased words. If there are none, we will take filename without .md or container directory, if filename is
  • correct insertion also requires, that the insertion point of the first doc page not declared in nav is following the intended page before it, when you sort ALL filenames, declared and undeclared, alphabetically.

You can also force a certain insertion point, by supplying the searched dir together with an after key as dict(s), like:

  - Overview:
  - Blueprint:
      - Overview: blueprint/
  - About:

  - lcd-find-pages:
        - dir: blueprint
          after: blueprint/
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